■Snow-white Medium 作詞:弱音P 作曲:弱音P 編曲:鼻毛 吹き抜ける風に誘われて 私は天(そら)へ羽ばたく Being shepherd to the sky by the blowingwind, I will fly a way to the airy region. いつからだろう 独りきりで 孤独な夜を 数えたの I do not remember when I began it that counting the number of nights of lonelyness. 当たり前だと 思っていた それが私の 運命と It stands to reason. Ever, I had thought so. It is my fate. Onece, I had always believed it. 真っ白な この大地で やっと私見つけたの一緒に行ける人を On the mother ground as white as snow, at last, I was able to find the person I will move hand-in-hand with forever. 夜空に輝く流星を 追いかけ歌声 天に昇るの Making tracks a shining shooting star in the night sky, my singing voice will rush up to the infinite sky. 真っ直ぐな軌跡は この想い届けて Delivering this emotion to you, the straightway track will 照らしてゆく 透き通る 風に乗せ be illuminating my mind with this transparent flowing wind. 私の中で 揺れる想い 言葉にならず 空を見た In my mind the internal struggle have happened. Being at loss for words, I looked at the sky. 降り頻る雨 心を濡らす 溢れる気持ち 苦しくて Rain that falls violently let get wet my mind. With abundance of the heart I distress myself. 真っ直ぐな その瞳は この気持ち歌で伝えることを教えてくれたの The eyes seeing me face forward firmly. And these eyes taught me the way to tell you my feelings straightworward with my songs. 夜空に流れるメロディーを イルミネーション光輝かす The melody that is flowing in the night sky. The illumination makes it shine as a star in the dark. 二人包み込む 澄んだ空気は雨を 白い雪に 変える The clear atmosphere that wraps around you and me turns the falling rain to the white snow. And we fly away to the night sky. 舞い降りる 音の羽根集めて 私は羽ばたく Gathering feathers of sounds that will alight, I will fly to the higher sky. あなたに出会い 広がってゆく この世界を飛んで行く In this world that have expanded since I met you first, I will fly to the sky. 夜空に輝く流星を 追いかけ歌声 天に昇るの Making tracks a shining shooting star in the night sky, my singing voice will rush up to the infinite sky. 私の歌は 想い届けるMedium My voices are mediums that carry my feelings to dear your heart. 奏でてゆく 透き通る 風に乗せ I will be tinkling my heart with this transparent flowing wind.